Death is the central band from the American death rock scene. They are a true
legend. From their debut 'Only Theater Of Pain' in 1982 to 'The Root Of All
Evilution' in 2015, Christian Death always stood for controversy. We took the
opportunity to speak to front man Valor Kand during his last passage in Liège.
Hi valor. We have just witnessed a great
concert. Let’s pick up on something you said in the show. The world government,
the one percent… What is that about?
that’s a thing called agenda 2030. It was originally called agenda 21. I think
they started working this out after a meeting of the Bilderberg group. It’s
actually a plan that goes back. I think it was initially started around 1900. It’s
a long-term process. It’s not about people who are alive. It’s about families maintaining
their dynasty for a long period of time, for their offspring. A normal family
will save money for their children, so that they can go to school. The super 1%
doesn’t think about one generation. They think about multiple generations. If
you go to the houses of the rich, you can see photographs and paintings going
back hundreds of years. This is their ego. They feel that they don’t die because
they live through the generations, from the past into the future. And they also
feel like they are supreme human beings. Almost the mentality of what the
nazi’s supposedly have done. But this is actually an ancient concept that goes
back before the nazi’s. They feel that only their bloodlines matter. The rest
of us are just servants. We’re subhumans.
I believe the Bilderberg group is something
about the financial system…
No, the
Bilderberg group is a combination of the wealthiest people in the world,
including the royals in the Netherlands and the UK, and then of course the
Rothchilds the Rockefellers, the Carnegies…
I think about the last CD that you made: The
Root Of All Evilution. You said that you were interested in all the supposed conspiracy
theories going around and that you found out that much of it is true…
I’ve always
been suspicious about evil in the world. I met a very old guy in 1999. He was
telling me stuff that was all about politics in the world. And I thought it was
a little bit wacky, a little bit crazy. But he was a very nice guy. He was very
honest and sincere. He always wanted to help. Every time I went over to his
house he told me new things. I learned a lot from him. I don’t just take his
words. I do my own research. The scary thing is… I met him 18 years ago now.
And in the last 18 years, every thing he said… I have more information to
validate it every day. At first I thought it was wacky, and now I think of him
as a guru.
He made prophecies…
prophecies. He told me about common knowledge that most people don’t know. It’s
not about magic. Its’ not something only secret people know. It’s common knowledge
that is hidden. The reason that it’s hidden is because we don’t have the energy
or the time to look. In fact the conspiracy… These people lay it out, they tell
us. It’s all there, but they tell us in a surreptitious way, in a clandestine,
shadowy way. It’s there. And if you don’t see it, that’s your problem.
How do they tell us?
It’s in
their writings. It’s in their documentation. You have to read things like
Edward Bernays, who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. He was very influential on
these people. Goebbels was also an influential admirer of Edward Bernays. It’s
all about mind control and mass manipulation for the benefit of the people at
the top. Of course, the headline news
tells a different story. They tell you the cover story and you go away and
think: ‘well, that’s it’. You see it on TV and then you forget about it.
And how to uncover that?
Well, when
you see the news, you don’t think: ‘that’s the truth’. You think: ‘how much of
that is the truth? Is any of that true?’ Once you have that approach and you
really think about it, you take the time and energy to go at the library and
research something from the past or what somebody says, you follow up…
Especially now with Internet, it’s very easy to research what somebody says and
to think: ‘Why is he saying that? Where does he come from? What are his
incentives? How much money does he have? How did he get this money?’ The people
with influence are always the people with the money, the people at the top of
the food chain. These people are - in my opinion - always scary, because there
are only two ways to get that big. By being born into it, and that makes you
selfish because you were raised and educated by somebody who also thinks he’s
entitled. Or you got to the top by stepping on a lot of people to get that far.
Everyone they step on is another ladder, and they step on the ladder up to the
Is the concept of the latest CD ‘The Root Of All Evilution’ based on this?
Yes, it’s
based on knowledge that is hidden in plain sight. It’s there for you to see.
I also see a reference to creationism theories…
is just a diversion. It’s a diversion for people, not necessarily by the
Bilderberg group or these people. The people at the top know that they have to
let everyone have their fantasies. So they let the christians have their
fantasies, they let the muslims have their fantasies, they let the poor people
have their fantasies… That’s how you guide people. They don’t have a common
saying: ‘live your life this way’. They do it from behind the curtain like the
wizard of Oz. They do it in a way where you don’t know they’re doing it. They
do terrible things and they have learned, for the last 200 years to always make
changes in the world and never be responsible. They make other people do it for
them, and then say: ‘this is terrible, can’t believe that happened’. And yet,
the whole time, they manipulate. Like 9/11.
‘American Inquisition’, your CD from 2007, was
a reaction to 9/11…
The common
concept of it now, what people use as terminology, is ‘false flag event’. False
flag events go back to Roman times. When Nero burned Rome down, that’s a false
flag event. He burned Rome down. The people didn’t know. Now, if you study
history, it’s common knowledge. But at the time… Why would their emperor burn his
own city down? He burned it down because he didn’t give a fuck. And the people
at the top don’t care. They just want to do anything in order to get what they
want. They don’t care about the people and they burn the houses down. The fire,
the traumatic experience… Now they have to look to the emperor for help. That’s
exactly why he burned the city down. People hated Nero. People were so
disappointed that he was spending all the money in Rome on himself, on sexual
orgies, on having sex with children and young boys. The talks were going. Then
the city burns down and everybody forgets about how bad Nero is. Everybody’s
going: ‘Oh, what am I going to do? My house is gone. I need food.’ Nero says:
‘Don’t worry, we’ll give you bread. We will build the coliseum and we’ll give
you all the blood you want. We’re going to burn the christians. We’re going to
burn the jews. We’re going to burn the people from other countries in front of
you. We’re going to give you entertainment and keep you happy.’ All of a sudden
everybody forgets how terrible Nero is, because he’s giving them what they
need. He’s giving them entertainment, distraction from the misery that he
It’s the
same thing. These people learned from history.
You’re saying that 9/11 was an inside job?
No question. I knew it the minute it happened. I saw the TV and I knew, at that
moment. I didn’t have to wait, not even a second. The first plane was like
shocking to me. Oh my god! The second plane… It was too classic. It was a
classic false flag. That’s why I was so angry, because it took six years… When
we did ‘American Inquisition’ six years later, people were still going: ‘oh my
god, my god, we saved the world, we have to stop the terrorists…’
Now they want to get out of it…
No, now
they’re bringing the terrorists to Europe to make more trouble. They let
anybody in, no documentation needed. Come on in! Young men… Why is it all young
men? All young men with erected penises and no money. They’re all coming in to
breed Europe out of existence. These are their own words. The mullahs preached
this: ‘We will breed you out of existence.’ It’s not fantasy, it’s not
propaganda, it’s not prejudice. I have no prejudice for any race whatsoever. I
take any man exactly as he is. But if you come to me saying that Jesus is my
savior, I’m going to walk away from you. I you come to me saying that Allah is
my savior, I’m going to run away from you. Because you’re even more scary.
Because you’re going to kill me. It says right there in the Koran: ‘We’ll bring
the word of Allah to the people by the hand of the sword’. However, in the dark
ages, I would run further from the christians than the muslims. But that era is
now over. They want to rewind the clock. Now they’re going to use islam instead
of christianity. They know that one third of the world population is fanatically
religious. These people are easy to control. And all you have to do is breed
the rest of the population out. It’s from the top. It doesn’t come from the
people. If you go to a muslim country now, they invite you in, they’ll feed you.
They don’t care if you’re christian. Here in Europe, they’re told to think
another way, to hate the people around them, to hate the environment… Not
everybody believes this, but unfortunately, that’s the doctrine coming from the
But these are actually poor people…
Yes. It’s
very simple. Who fights the wars? It’s always the people at the bottom. Who
sheds the blood? Not the people at the top. If you go into ancient Egypt right
now… They’re starting to translate some of the stuff… Ramses wrote down how he
conquered this place and that place, and then you read stories from other
surrounding areas where Egyptian fellows went in, say the Babylonians or the
Persians. These are different contradicting stories. One of them is lying. They
hatched the history in stone, but none of these histories are the same. The
story that the pharaoh told is different than that of other kings. That’s the
way it is. So, where’s the truth? You have to analyze everything. We live in a
fantasy reality.
I’ve noticed Christian Death - that was not
including you at the time - was formed in 1979, which is almost 40 years ago.
Yes, but
they never did any shows outside of small places in Los Angeles until 1981.
Ok, but you were part of the alternative Los
Angeles scene…
I was there
at the time. I just ran away from my father. He was looking for me…
You ran away to Los Angeles?
I was
living in Los Angeles. I was living in Orange County, which is about an hour
and a half away.
When Christian Death made an impact, you were
not yet part of it…
No, the
real impact came when we went to Europe.
As a part of the Los Angeles scene, what the
impact was of the very first record: Only Theatre of Pain?

When Christian Death fell apart after ‘Only
Theatre Of Pain’, he joined Pompei 99…
because he wasn’t doing anything for almost a year. He had nothing. He was living
with his mother. I offered him the opportunity to do something, because I had a
lot of connections. I was working with a production company. They would come to
me and asked me about bands, and every time they made money, they would come
back for more. I made a connection with a lot of Europeans: Siouxsie and the
Banshees, Johnny Rotten… I met all these people by just being in the company of
special people, very wealthy people. I managed to have a lot of connections in
Europe too, and we had organized a tour with Pompei 99.
And then Pompei 99 became Christian Death…
The owner
of a French label had found the ‘Only Theatre Of Pain’-record when he was in
California, and he liked it. He wanted to release it and he contacted Rozz.
Rozz said he was now in Pompei 99. The guy contacted me about doing an album.
After he sent half the money, he said: ‘What do you think about changing the
name to Christian Death?’ I had to give up what I was doing. And Rozz didn’t
want to do it, because he didn’t want to use the name anymore. For him, it was
a bad experience. He wanted to move on. But the guy offered us money, and then
it happened. We went to Londen, we went to Wales, we played a couple of shows
in France…
The story goes that you were out of money…
We had no
money. They were feeding us. There was great French food. We flew to London,
and then we went on a ferry to Caen, which was where the label was. They
treated us like kings. We had food, we had money, a record deal, we could
record in the great studio where ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was recorded… It was very
exciting. These were great times for us.
‘Catastrophy Ballet’ and ‘Ashes’ were very
And even
‘Atrocities’. It was the first record we sold out before it was even released.
After ‘Ashes’, Rozz signaled he wanted to quit.
What happened then?
He just
didn’t like touring. That was his big problem. It was too stressful for him.
Touring is like… you don’t sleep. I lost 20 pounds during this tour, that’s
like 11 or 12 kilos. It’s hard. We used to have this thing: if you’re in a band
and there’s a new crew member… if he can survive three weeks, then he is worth
keeping. Most people fall apart because of no sleep, no food, too much
drinking, drugs...
Twenty years ago, Rozz committed suicide. You
also dedicated a song to him during the concert. You have said in interviews
that you were not surprised, since he tried it several times back then. You
held him back from committing suicide…
Yes. But of
course his suicide was ten years later.
You had no contact with him anymore?
I didn’t
speak to him since… like 1993. His suicide was 1998.
In 1993, you took contact with him because he
wanted to tour again under the name Christian Death?
It wasn’t
him who wanted that. He didn’t do what he wanted to. He was bound by a contract
with Cleopatra Records with an indemnity clause. Brian Perera, the owner of
Cleopatra, offered him a nice probe. Brian tried to seduce me in making a deal
with him. I asked Brian how they pursued to manipulate Rozz. He said: ‘I’ll
tell you the truth, I made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse’. They gave
Rozz 30.000 dollar, and that to Rozz at that time was more money then he ever
had in his life. And the reason Brian could offer that kind of money was
because he knew that at that time, Christian Death was on fire. We were on MTV
and Rozz wasn’t part of it. That were my songs that were on MTV, and Brian
Perera wanted a piece of it. The only way he could get a piece of it, was to
offer something to the junkie. I’m not trying to be insulting, but at that time
Rozz was bad on drugs. That’s not my perspective, that’s how Brian Perera
How could
he take advantage of this simple, sweet guy? Rozz was a simple sweet guy.
Intelligent, but simple in ways of being manipulated by people like that. He
didn’t have a defensive act, an understanding of who to trust. Rozz is that
kind of person that… If you were happy, he would be happy with you. If he saw
that you were fucking him over, he would leave immediately. He refused to play…
Sometimes he yelled at promoters, announcing he wouldn’t play that night, and
he actually had good reasons.
But that
deal… Rozz did like two recording sessions, and since then Brian has made 20 fucking
records. Out of two recording sessions. ‘The best of this…’, ‘The remakes…’ et
cetera. None of it is really good quality. Well the original recordings are OK,
but they weren’t really good enough in my opinion. They gave him a cheap
studio, only so many hours. They gave him the money and said goodbye. So he was
being exploited. And I’m still being exploited by Cleopatra Records.
Why then?
they have half a dozen lawyers on staff. They are illegally using the name
Christian death, and to stop them, I need to have at least 100.000 dollars.
You said there was no trial, was there?
There never
was a trial with Rozz, but there was one with Cleopatra Records. It never went
to court. A good corporation never goes to court. They pay their way out of court.
They use the law to stay out of court. They use the law to put an extension, or
postponement, or a countersue… They do all these little tricks. It’s like when
the Exxon Valdez ship sunk in Canada and oiled and poisoned all the native
Canadian villages. They couldn’t go fishing anymore. Until this day, it’s
twenty years now, the native inhabitants didn’t get the money. The court
granted them the money, but the corporation went to court again to stop it or
postpone it.
You can manipulate the law…
You can
manipulate the law when you have the money, and that’s the story. The law
doesn’t mean anything. The only time the law is important, is when you kill
somebody and you can prove it. But even rich people can get away with murder.
Like O.J. Simpson.
Let’s go back to the ‘Root of all
Evilution’-theme. I heard you were working on a sequel to that album right now…
Yes: ‘Evil
Becomes You’…
We didn’t hear any new songs this evening, but
you are working on it. Tell me about the
prospective of it…
It’s not
the same… Every song is always different. So it’s not going to sound exactly
the same, but it’s conceptually an extension of the Evilution-theme. As I say
in ‘Illuminazi’: ‘The more I learn, the less I know’. And that means: the more
I learn, the more I realize how evil the world really is. It’s more evil that I
ever imagined. And it only becomes more scary and more evil.
But you said you don’t believe in evil...
I don’t
believe in religious evil. I have travelled the world and I have lived in many
places when I was a young child. I never lived in the same place more than two
years. I’ve seen the terrible things that people do. But I have never seen a
demon. I have never seen the devil. I’ve never seen a succubus or any of this
shit. I have only ever seen people doing terrible things. That’s most scary to
me. I’m not afraid of walking to the woods at night and being attacked by a
witch. I might be attacked by a bear or a wild animal, but never by a demon or
a spirit, something from another dimension, an alien…
So it’s the evil in humankind. What brings out
the evil in man?
Because you can take advantage of the stupid people. And then you get more and
more greedy.
The exploiting people are stupid themselves,
but they take advantage of the stupidity of others…

Music is harmony, of course.
Yes, it’s
all the same. Life is harmony, and it’s frequency. Without frequency, I
wouldn’t see you right now, because the light spiral is a frequency. Everything
spirals down, like Trent Reznor said. But its’ also an upward spiral. It’s
equal and opposite, yin and yang, day and night, black and white, male and
female, evil and good.
You use a lot of Egyptian symbols in your work.
Because the
Egyptians were prolific with their imagery. What’s left of their culture is all
over the place. Very little survives from other cultures. Since 9/11, most of
Babylon’s treasures and artifacts have been destroyed or stolen, thanks to the
US Army taking over Iraq, former Babylon. This is typical. Historians will tell
you this. When a culture has been taken over, they don’t just take over people,
they come and destroy everything. The Spanish destroyed all of the cultures in
Southern America as much as they could. Eventually, in time, you can puzzle it
back together, but that’s the concept. You conquer and destroy. You wipe out
the culture so there’s no will to fight back. You take away their culture. They
have no pride. They have nothing left. That’s a typical military approach.
Even Akhenaten in Egyptian history, the most powerful pharaoh of all times… In a short period of time, he conquered so much. He changed everything. He didn’t like the priests taking all the people’s money. That’s why I respect him. He said: ‘There’s the sun, there’s the earth and there’s the moon.’ The sun gives us the grain, the moon gives us the tides. The moon and the sun change the weather, and without these, we would die. So obviously, we should have respect for these things. He wasn’t praying to some mysterious fantasy story, he was talking about basic science. And the priests didn’t like that because they could not make money out of basic science. Just like we can’t make money out of free energy. That’s why Tesla was killed, because he wanted free electricity for the world. The rich people didn’t want that. They were making all kinds of money and they still are one hundred years later. It’s the same thing. Selfish greed creates evil. They just don’t care how many people die.
But not all people are selfish. You said that
yourself during the concert.
Yes, there
are basically good people.
I believe that most people are good.
Yes, if
they weren’t, we would be slicing each other to pieces. It’s true. If we were
all as evil as the people at the top, we would be killing everybody all the
time. Husbands would be killing their wives so they could get another wife.
Sometimes people also suffer because they’re good. They spend their lives with
people that they don’t even like. Sometimes it is hard to be mean. That’s why
we have courtesy.
A last quote of something you said during the
concert: ‘you have to experience pessimism to become an optimist’…
I had an epiphany three days ago when I was driving
to a friend of mine who is a professor in history in Germany. I think that
pacifism will be the rehearsal for the ultimate slaughter. Because the people
who are evil know that most people are pacifist and don’t want war. The
pacifists easy to manipulate. The harder ones, those who are not pacifists, get
them first. Or spread the peace word, so that everybody is more calm. Like Jimmy
Hendrix said, a surprise attack: ‘kill them in their sleep’.
Pictures: Luc Luyten
Interview: Xavier Kruth
Pictures: Luc Luyten
Interview: Xavier Kruth
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