Whispers In The Shadow has made a name as a supplier of gothic rock
inspired by occult themes. After a break of four years - the band kept
playing live and singer Ashley Dayour made a number of records with The Devil
& The Universe and Near Earth Orbit - they are back in a strange
transformation. 'The Urgency Of Now' is in fact the most political record
of the band. And of course we wanted to know everything about it.
Ashley. The new cd ‘The Urgency Of Now’ sees a thematic shift for Whispers In
The Shadow. You finished your occult series counting four releases - ‘Into the
Arms of Chaos’, ‘The Eternal Arcane’, ‘The Rites Of Passage’ and ‘Beyond the
Cycles of Time’ - in 2014. The new cd seems to focus on current events and
politics. Why this shift?

It’s actually less a call to arms as such, it’s more a call to be aware
of the here and now, not getting distracted by everything else going on. And if
you see it as a call to arms, which isn’t completely wrong either, well the
urgency is kind of obvious isn’t it? Open a newspaper, walk down the streets
and look into people’s eyes and tell me these matters aren’t urgent. If you
still think that way, well ignorance can be a blessing.
seem to handle the problem of ‘fake news’. Conspiracy theories are popular,
people and organizations are trying to influence elections by spreading
messages on social media… ‘No one controls the controls’, indeed. Though I am skeptical
about some measures authorities put forward which could lead to censorship. Is
the real solution not to raise critical awareness while maintaining free

Rhythm Called Zero’ refers to an artistic performance by Yugoslav artist Marina
Abramović, in which the public could do to her what they wanted with a number
of objects. Some people did hurt her and at one point someone even pointed a
gun - one of the objects - at her. Other people in the public intervened to stop
these destructive acts. It seems a good metaphor for today’s society. If people
are given power and freedom, will they use it in a destructive or in an ethical

I’m a humanist. I value life. I will never understand why someone would
be so stupid to raise the hand to another person. I don’t get the concept. I
never have. Not even in schoolyard. I never understood the fighting, it always
seemed like total weakness to me.
But I have to point out this very song is also about the respect artist
and audience should have for each other, especially the former to the later.
Today, I sometimes have the feeling the audience thinks they kind of own the
artist, which of course never is the case.
said the lyrics of the closing song ‘Exit-Gardens’ are central to the theme of
‘The Urgency Of Now’. You refer to the Greek myth of Kadmon and Europa, in
which Kadmon leaves Syria to look for Europa, who has been abducted by Zeus. It
is not difficult to see a link with Syrian refugees fleeing to Europe. On the
other hand, people are looking for the Exit-Gardens, so as not to be confronted
with this problem.
Exactly. You got it a 120% right. Exit-Gardens is written from the point
of view of that kind of person. Someone who thinks he can stay away from all
that, who just wants to have a good time and is not taking responsibility to
speak up and go against what is going on. A total egoistical asshole, so to
speak. When I write songs, even when singing in the first perspective, I don’t
always necessarily write about my own point of view. Sometimes I invent “characters”
and sing from their point of view. I think about how they would see things,
what are their motivations, et cetera.
Were you inspired by events in Austria? I mean, the far-right party FPÖ have reached a high score in the presidential elections and are now in the government led by the christian democrat Sebastian Kurz, based on an anti-immigration agenda.
Well by far not only in Austria. It is happening all over the world. The
despots and detractors are on the rise everywhere. I have to point out the
album was already recorded when they won the Austrian election. But it wasn’t
exactly rocket science to see that coming, to call myself a prophet would be
total self-indulgence.
The sad thing is that the conservative party is now also way more on the
right side. There is not much difference anymore between the far right and the center
right. There is no center right anymore, actually. Their anti-immigration
politics are just the tip of the iceberg, though. There are a lot of things
going on. Education, labor politics… It feels like everything is going
backwards at light speed. It’s frightening really. But what concerns me the
most is that I have the feeling that a lot of people are about to give up on
resistance, at least here in Austria. I’m afraid that people are about to get
used to this kind of ultra-right-wing politics, it’s becoming “normal”. I
totally despise that.

Yeah. Like a said above, it’s the overall state of the nations. The whole
metaphor with the piper and all that, well I couldn’t think of a better one. This
album is very much rooted in the here and now, hence the title. It has nothing
to do with escapism and in that way, it is the total opposite of what we did
before. But - and that is very important - I’m not telling people what to do. I
ask questions, I don’t have the answers. What we did with this album is
providing a mirror to reflect the times we are living in. A mirror to reflect
one’s self in all this mess. It’s upon the listener to look into it, to
reflect. If this album makes just one listener think twice it has fulfilled its
purpose and was worth it.
a reference to Aleister Crowley in ‘Watchcry’, some occult references in ‘Lake
Of Fire’, and H.P. Lovecraft was the inspiration for the ‘Exit Gardens’, which
Alan Moore used in his comic ‘Providence’. It seems you can’t completely leave
these references -which you have used for a very long time - behind. Why are
they so dear to you?

said it is very important for you to be understood correctly this time. Some of
the references require some knowledge and perseverance. Do you expect the
audience to understand all these references? And why is this so important to
I personally think it is kind of lazy to write a song with lyrics like
“Fuck Trump and the FPÖ” or something like this. Other bands do that way better. For me it needs to be a little bit more lyrical. I also think our audience is clever enough to decode some of the metaphors. The big difference this time is, it’s an album that actually can be understood. With the predecessors, I knew 80% of the people out there wouldn’t have a clue of what I’m writing about. And since I’m not a preacher, I couldn’t have cared less. But this time there is indeed a message, which is: think twice, don’t give in to all the hate and fear mongering, stay human and choose life!
“Fuck Trump and the FPÖ” or something like this. Other bands do that way better. For me it needs to be a little bit more lyrical. I also think our audience is clever enough to decode some of the metaphors. The big difference this time is, it’s an album that actually can be understood. With the predecessors, I knew 80% of the people out there wouldn’t have a clue of what I’m writing about. And since I’m not a preacher, I couldn’t have cared less. But this time there is indeed a message, which is: think twice, don’t give in to all the hate and fear mongering, stay human and choose life!
Pictures: Maria Wagner
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