This summer Laibach made world news when it was announced
that they would give two performances in North Korea. As the first Western group
ever, the press wrote, but that was not quite true. But it certainly was the
first group with such a history of political provocations to play in the
country, and that is certainly an event. Laibach now touring through Europe
with this program. The next show will be on Tuesday, February 9th in
does a special show in Brussels with the RTV Slovenian Orchestra for the
awarding of the title of European Green Capital to Ljubljana, the capital of
Slovenia. How do you feel about this? Isn’t it ironic that a city that tried to
ban your concerts under the name Laibach - which is the German name of the city
- in the early eighties is now asking you for this celebration?
Laibach: Very ironic - but we love the irony. What goes around comes around… Even
more ironic is the fact, that the Environment Directorate of the European
Commission protested against the choice of Laibach in this context, stating
that ‘there would seem to be a
significant risk that the irony which underpins their musical style may be
misunderstood by an audience unfamiliar with the genre’ and they were
openly suggesting that ‘for that reason,
it may be prudent to look again and perhaps veer towards a more classical style
of entertainment’. Now this is a much more radical censorship than the one that
we faced in North Korea. Thankfully the City of Ljubljana ignored it and we are
still able to perform the show as originally planed. We just cannot link it
officially to the Green Capital of Europe handover ceremony event. Which is
absolutely fine with us.
will perform songs from The Sound Of Music, which you also performed at your
concerts in North Korea. Were the shows in North Korea the actual reason to
make Laibach interpretation of these songs, as The Sound Of Music is one of the
few western movies that are allowed and well known in North Korea?
Laibach: We always wanted to do something with The Sound Of Music; we love
this film and as soon as we knew we were going to perform a concert in North
Korea we asked ourselves ‘how do we solve the problem like Korea?’ So we
decided to create the program around the Sound of Music film musical. North
Koreans know this film well. It is one of the American films they are allowed
to watch and they are using it to learn English. They also did their own,
Korean versions of selected songs from the film. The Sound Of Music story
really fits well into the North Korean situation and can be understood
affirmatively, but also subversively - very much depending on the point of
view. Philosopher Slavoj Zizek claims, that The Sound Of Music is a much trickier
film than one might expect: ‘If you look
at it closely, it’s officially Austrian resistance to Hitler and the Nazis, but
if you look really closely, the Nazis are presented as an abstract cosmopolitan
occupying power, managers, bureaucrats, exquisitely dressed, with short
mustaches, smoking expensive cigarettes and so on. In other words, almost a
caricature of cosmopolitan decadent, corrupted Jews, and the Austrians are the
good small fascists, so the implicit message is almost the opposite of the
explicit message: honest fascists resisting a decadent Jewish cosmopolitan
takeover. This may be why the movie was so extremely popular, because it addresses
our secret fascist dreams.’
these concerts, you also made ‘new originals’ of a few North Korean classics.
Unfortunately, you were allowed to perform only one of the three songs you
prepared. How was it for Laibach to deal with such form of censorship and how
does that match with the provocative stance that Laibach is known for?

you might know, the Belgian industrial band Militia reacted fiercely against
your North Korean concerts, accusing you of supporting the regime. What do you
reply to these accusations? Did you have scruples about playing in a country
that commits serious human rights violations?
Laibach: Nonsense. They were probably just a bit jealous not to go to North
Korea themselves. We despise that kind of political correctness and morality.
Artists are performing in China, the United States, in Russia and Belorussia -
we do as well, and all these countries are committing serious human rights
violations. But what countries and systems are totally clean handed? We would
perform even for the devil himself if we’d have a chance to do it.
We didn’t go to North Korea to earn money, they did
not pay us for our shows there and we’ve covered the whole expedition from
other sources. We also didn’t go to North Korea to support the regime, but to
perform to their people. These people are people like everywhere else around
the world, except that they live under special socio-political circumstances
and therefore they have their own specific cultural and political agenda.
We did everything to respect their situation and
to communicate with them with all five senses, trying to create enough oxytocin
to understand each other’s feelings and emotions in order to be able to learn
from each other and implement each other. Finally we went to Korea to express
our support to their tendencies for reunification of Korean peninsula into a
one state as we see the division of this nation as a tragic story. And to all those
who keep on accusing us to perform a concert in this country, where – according
to an UN report - you can find human rights abuses similar to those from the
Nazis, we can only reply that if these allegations are truthful then it is even
more so important to go there.
But the problem with the UN is that it often
serves mainly to US and EU political interests – if we only remember the famous
UN coalition that started devastating wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, based on
false pretenses and nonexistent facts about nuclear and biological weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq. And let’s not forget about the Abu Ghraib torture and
prisoner abuses, or Guantanamo Bay detention camp, etc., etc., not to mention
the current and openly brutal methods of human rights abuses, created by
European Union over the entire Greek population and over millions of refugees
in Europe and around the world.

Americans tourists in North Korea (yes, you can
meet American tourists there as well!) are not blindly hated, but welcomed as
everybody else, and Koreans do not seem to equate the American people with US
governmental policy. Also entering North Korea is not that difficult at all -
as a matter of fact it is generally easier than entering the US, for instance.
Koreans are keen to open up to the outside world, but they want to do it
slowly, on their own terms, and in a very different way than the Chinese did
it. It seems like their political and cultural elite is aware that they have to
do this ‘dangerous’ step sooner or later, even if on account of losing some of
nation’s ‘virginity’ if not also big part of their own privileged positions.
But the question is: will the surrounding countries and superpowers really let
them to open up completely when the time comes?
will perform orchestrated versions of tracks from ‘Spectre’ in Brussels. When
the CD was issued, you claimed that ‘Laibach is now very clearly taking a
position on the political spectrum and probably irreversibly abolishing its own
(to some extent quite comfortable) political ‘freedom’ and ‘neutrality.’ As it
turned out, ‘Spectre’ was rather a critique of the worldwide protest movements,
both left and right. You used to bring this same type of critique on the ruling
ideologies of the states and governments. Could it be that the ruling ideology
has become the ideology of resistance against the powers that be?

founded the Spectre party ‘in order to create a possibility for an organized
and synchronized international movement, helping to change the world wherever
necessary and possible.’ How does that party fare?
Laibach: The formation of the Spectre party is a long and ongoing process
that will develop step by step and we are in no hurry with it. We are forming
cells in different countries and we’ll connect them together when time comes. In
time, Spectre will become a serious international movement that can actively help
shape politics and culture around the globe.
understand that you will also perform songs from ‘WAT’. On that CD, and
especially in the song ‘Now You Will Pay’, you alluded to the migration
crisis. You claimed to be the barbarians coming from the east. What are your
thoughts about the current immigration crisis?
Laibach: The whole refugee crisis and the inability of European Union to deal
with it effectively is a sad story, showing the misery of European institutions
that have totally failed (again!) to create a joint and coordinated
humanitarian front in order to solve this problem humanely in all its entity.
Europe is just making mistake after mistake and the only question is how far this
situation can last before everything will turn into the absolute social and
political catastrophe.
Laibach: Of course it is, it always does. Europe has a self-destructive
nature and it is constantly falling apart, but it seems that falling apart is
actually Europe’s way of constituting itself. Every time it tries to
re-establish itself it fails better and comes back stronger. In principle, we
believe in the idea of Europe and we want more of it; what we need is Europe
from Atlantic to Pacific! Beside a strong and connected alliance of Europe
there is no alternative for European countries in realpolitik, having in mind
aggressive expansion of political and economical predators - USA on one side,
China on the other, Russia in between, rich Arab countries and constantly
off-sided Britain from ‘within’. We sincerely hope that the idea of United
Europe can be saved. Not the cold Europe of the Brussels political technocracy
and banking sectors, operating according to the dictates of neoliberal dogma,
but a re-politicized Europe, founded on a shared emancipatory project,
expanding from North to South, from East to West. The European Union must find
the right balance between debate and consensus on an overall vision. This
vision must permeate into all aspects of society. Without it Europe cannot progress
and may actually decline. The refugee crisis can only help creating such vision
and establish new standards of ethics and solidarity.
Laibach in Bozar (info and tickets)
Pictures: Xavier Marquis, Het Depot, Leuven.
Interview: Xavier Kruth
Next dates of Laibach in Europa:
- 7/04 – Batschkapp, Frankfurt
- 9/04 – Impetus festival @ Le Moloco, Audincourt
- 10/04 – Theater Tilburg Concertzaal, Tilburg
- 12/04 – The Forum, London
- 14/04 – Studenterhuset, Aalborg
- 15/04 – Haus Auensee, Leipzig
- 6/04 – Alter Schlachthof, Dresden
- 17/04 – Muffathalle, Munich
- 22/04 – SSG/Teatro Stabile Sloveno, Trieste
- 9/05 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
- 2/09 – Krizanke, Ljubljana w/ RTV Symphonic Orchestra
How disappointing to hear Laibach use the N word - Neoliberal.